You need to know the who, what, where, when, and how of your audience to reach them. Access our exclusive consumer insights and millions of Verified Readers to drive sales.
Direct access to verified book lovers from one integrated platform
Access premium advertising solutions through Ingram’s consumer brands
Drive online buying patterns to grow your business
Our easy-to-use advertising platform Ingram iD gives you self-serve access to our proprietary database of unique, segmented Verified Readers on platforms like Google and Facebook.
Target an audience of active readers who have recently expressed interest in a specific genre
Market your titles across social and retail websites from one integrated platform offered exclusively by Ingram
Discover a vibrant community of readers searching for their next favorite book. Ingram’s network of websites and newsletters reaches millions of readers across dozens of categories.
Build Valuable Relationships
Access Premium Partnerships
Create Customized Marketing Solutions
With a customized plan and dedicated point person through our Marketing Advantage program – you'll see greater sales opportunities.
Watch your backlist titles grow and only pay only when your sales grow
Choose to optimize all your titles or just a few
Work with a dedicated team of book marketers whose efforts have put titles on the NYT Bestsellers list
Ingram’s suite of consumer services are designed to facilitate the sales, marketing, and audience-centric data around selling your books to readers.
Read Now Google Ads can be an incredibly effective advertising platform due to the sheer number of people who use Google every day.
Read Now Even if you have a great story to share, if your book's ad doesn't look appealing it's probably not getting noticed the way you want it to.
Read Now Use Ingram’s network of consumer websites and newsletters to reach millions of readers across dozens of categories. Find the right audience for your books with customized marketing solutions.
Learn More Advertise to our proprietary database of unique, segmented Verified Readers on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram.
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